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Help Reopen Our Doors

Our Organization Forced to Temporarily Close June 30th Due to Mounting Debt

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House of Strays is at risk of closing its doors forever due to an $8000 debt that has quickly accumulated, threatening the well-being of countless animals in need. We need IMMEDIATE help, or else it may be too late!

House of Strays (4 Zampe Rescue Albania) is an organization with over a decade of dedication to saving some of the most desperate international animal cases, primarily in Albania. Since we were first formed, we have successfully brought hope and revival to approximately 10,000 animals, including dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, turkeys, goats, and sheep.

Today, however, we find ourselves at an agonizing crossroads that is leading us to consider CLOSURE. The towering debt that has accumulated over the last five months amounts to $8000, stemming from veterinary expenses, boarding fees, and vital care costs. If we can’t settle this debt by June 30, we could lose everything. Our rescue, once a place of refuge for everyone, can no longer take in additional animals in need, leaving countless animals without help. Additionally, the precious lives currently in our care hang precariously in the balance, their future grimly unknown.

This crushing strain doesn’t just reflect a momentary hurdle but signifies a perilous slide towards an uncertain future in which we are forced to shut our doors permanently. Over recent months, the already fragile financial situation has worsened considerably. Our monthly operating costs range between $15,000 to $20,000, and yet the donations trickling in cover just a fraction of these needs. Basic necessities such as food, medical supplies, and rent for the facilities are becoming increasingly difficult to manage. The situation is even grimmer for the elderly and injured animals, who require consistent and expensive medical care.

We are struggling to keep our rescue afloat. Each and every day, we are growing terribly uncertain of our fate. We have cut costs wherever possible and explored every avenue to manage this crushing debt. And yet, despite these efforts, the harsh reality remains unchanged, and the survival of not just our rescue, but THOUSANDS of lives, are at stake.

PLEASE consider making a donation to help us settle our mounting debt so that can keep our doors open to animals in need. Saving precious lives is our passion, but without help, our unwavering efforts just simply cannot be possible. Thank you so much for your kindness.

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